भालसरिक गाछ जे सन २००० सँ याहूसिटीजपर छल अखनो ५ जुलाई २००४ क पोस्ट'भालसरिक गाछ'- केर रूपमे इंटरनेटपर मैथिलीक प्राचीनतम उपस्थितिक रूपमे विद्यमान अछि जे विदेह- प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका धरि पहुँचल अछि,आ http://www.videha.co.in/ पर ई प्रकाशित होइत अछि।
भालसरिक गाछ/ विदेह- इन्टरनेट (अंतर्जाल) पर मैथिलीक पहिल उपस्थिति
(c)२०००-२०२३. सर्वाधिकार
लेखकाधीन आ जतऽ लेखकक नाम नै अछि ततऽ संपादकाधीन। विदेह- प्रथम मैथिली
पाक्षिक ई-पत्रिका ISSN 2229-547X VIDEHA सम्पादक: गजेन्द्र ठाकुर। Editor:
Gajendra Thakur
रचनाकार अपन मौलिक आ अप्रकाशित रचना (जकर मौलिकताक संपूर्ण उत्तरदायित्व
लेखक गणक मध्य छन्हि) editorial.staff.videha@gmail.com केँ मेल अटैचमेण्टक
रूपमेँ .doc, .docx, .rtf वा .txt फॉर्मेटमे पठा सकै छथि। एतऽ प्रकाशित
रचना सभक कॉपीराइट लेखक/संग्रहकर्त्ता लोकनिक लगमे रहतन्हि। सम्पादक
'विदेह' प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका ऐ ई-पत्रिकामे ई-प्रकाशित/ प्रथम
प्रकाशित रचनाक प्रिंट-वेब आर्काइवक/ आर्काइवक अनुवादक आ मूल आ अनूदित
आर्काइवक ई-प्रकाशन/ प्रिंट-प्रकाशनक अधिकार रखैत छथि। (The Editor, Videha
holds the right for print-web archive/ right to translate those archives
and/ or e-publish/ print-publish the original/ translated archive).
ऐ ई-पत्रिकामे कोनो रॊयल्टीक/ पारिश्रमिकक प्रावधान नै छै। तेँ रॉयल्टीक/
पारिश्रमिकक इच्छुक विदेहसँ नै जुड़थि, से आग्रह। रचनाक संग रचनाकार अपन
संक्षिप्त परिचय आ अपन स्कैन कएल गेल फोटो पठेताह, से आशा करैत छी। रचनाक
अंतमे टाइप रहय, जे ई रचना मौलिक अछि, आ पहिल प्रकाशनक हेतु विदेह
(पाक्षिक) ई पत्रिकाकेँ देल जा रहल अछि। मेल प्राप्त होयबाक बाद यथासंभव
शीघ्र ( सात दिनक भीतर) एकर प्रकाशनक अंकक सूचना देल जायत। एहि ई
पत्रिकाकेँ मासक ०१ आ १५ तिथिकेँ ई प्रकाशित कएल जाइत अछि।
(c) २०००-२०२२ सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित। विदेहमे प्रकाशित सभटा रचना आ आर्काइवक सर्वाधिकार रचनाकार आ संग्रहकर्त्ताक लगमे छन्हि। भालसरिक गाछ जे सन २००० सँ याहूसिटीजपर छल http://www.geocities.com/.../bhalsarik_gachh.html, http://www.geocities.com/ggajendra आदि लिंकपर आ अखनो ५ जुलाइ २००४ क पोस्ट http://gajendrathakur.blogspot.com/2004/07/bhalsarik-gachh.html (किछु दिन लेल http://videha.com/2004/07/bhalsarik-gachh.html लिंकपर, स्रोत wayback machine of https://web.archive.org/web/*/videha 258 capture(s) from 2004 to 2016- http://videha.com/ भालसरिक गाछ-प्रथम मैथिली ब्लॉग / मैथिली ब्लॉगक एग्रीगेटर) केर रूपमे इन्टरनेटपर मैथिलीक प्राचीनतम उपस्थितक रूपमे विद्यमान अछि। ई मैथिलीक पहिल इंटरनेट पत्रिका थिक जकर नाम बादमे १ जनवरी २००८ सँ "विदेह" पड़लै।इंटरनेटपर मैथिलीक प्रथम उपस्थितिक यात्रा विदेह- प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका धरि पहुँचल अछि,जे http://www.videha.co.in/ पर ई प्रकाशित होइत अछि। आब “भालसरिक गाछ” जालवृत्त 'विदेह' ई-पत्रिकाक प्रवक्ताक संग मैथिली भाषाक जालवृत्तक एग्रीगेटरक रूपमे प्रयुक्त भऽ रहल अछि। विदेह ई-पत्रिका ISSN 2229-547X VIDEHA
Saturday, August 01, 2009
'विदेह' ३८ म अंक १५ जुलाइ २००९ (वर्ष २ मास १९ अंक ३८)-part iii
मैथिलीक मानक लेखन-शैली
1. नेपालक मैथिली भाषा वैज्ञानिक लोकनि द्वारा बनाओल मानक उच्चारण आ लेखन शैली आऽ 2.मैथिली अकादमी, पटना द्वारा निर्धारित मैथिली लेखन-शैली
1.नेपालक मैथिली भाषा वैज्ञानिक लोकनि द्वारा बनाओल मानक उच्चारण आ लेखन शैली
मैथिलीमे उच्चारण तथा लेखन
१.पञ्चमाक्षर आ अनुस्वार: पञ्चमाक्षरान्तर्गत ङ, ञ, ण, न एवं म अबैत अछि। संस्कृत भाषाक अनुसार शब्दक अन्तमे जाहि वर्गक अक्षर रहैत अछि ओही वर्गक पञ्चमाक्षर अबैत अछि। जेना-
अङ्क (क वर्गक रहबाक कारणे अन्तमे ङ् आएल अछि।)
पञ्च (च वर्गक रहबाक कारणे अन्तमे ञ् आएल अछि।)
खण्ड (ट वर्गक रहबाक कारणे अन्तमे ण् आएल अछि।)
सन्धि (त वर्गक रहबाक कारणे अन्तमे न् आएल अछि।)
खम्भ (प वर्गक रहबाक कारणे अन्तमे म् आएल अछि।)
उपर्युक्त बात मैथिलीमे कम देखल जाइत अछि। पञ्चमाक्षरक बदलामे अधिकांश जगहपर अनुस्वारक प्रयोग देखल जाइछ। जेना- अंक, पंच, खंड, संधि, खंभ आदि। व्याकरणविद पण्डित गोविन्द झाक कहब छनि जे कवर्ग, चवर्ग आ टवर्गसँ पूर्व अनुस्वार लिखल जाए तथा तवर्ग आ पवर्गसँ पूर्व पञ्चमाक्षरे लिखल जाए। जेना- अंक, चंचल, अंडा, अन्त तथा कम्पन। मुदा हिन्दीक निकट रहल आधुनिक लेखक एहि बातकेँ नहि मानैत छथि। ओलोकनि अन्त आ कम्पनक जगहपर सेहो अंत आ कंपन लिखैत देखल जाइत छथि।
नवीन पद्धति किछु सुविधाजनक अवश्य छैक। किएक तँ एहिमे समय आ स्थानक बचत होइत छैक। मुदा कतोकबेर हस्तलेखन वा मुद्रणमे अनुस्वारक छोटसन बिन्दु स्पष्ट नहि भेलासँ अर्थक अनर्थ होइत सेहो देखल जाइत अछि। अनुस्वारक प्रयोगमे उच्चारण-दोषक सम्भावना सेहो ततबए देखल जाइत अछि। एतदर्थ कसँ लऽकऽ पवर्गधरि पञ्चमाक्षरेक प्रयोग करब उचित अछि। यसँ लऽकऽ ज्ञधरिक अक्षरक सङ्ग अनुस्वारक प्रयोग करबामे कतहु कोनो विवाद नहि देखल जाइछ।
२.ढ आ ढ़ : ढ़क उच्चारण “र् ह”जकाँ होइत अछि। अतः जतऽ “र् ह”क उच्चारण हो ओतऽ मात्र ढ़ लिखल जाए। आनठाम खालि ढ लिखल जएबाक चाही। जेना-
ढ = ढाकी, ढेकी, ढीठ, ढेउआ, ढङ्ग, ढेरी, ढाकनि, ढाठ आदि।
ढ़ = पढ़ाइ, बढ़ब, गढ़ब, मढ़ब, बुढ़बा, साँढ़, गाढ़, रीढ़, चाँढ़, सीढ़ी, पीढ़ी आदि।
उपर्युक्त शब्दसभकेँ देखलासँ ई स्पष्ट होइत अछि जे साधारणतया शब्दक शुरूमे ढ आ मध्य तथा अन्तमे ढ़ अबैत अछि। इएह नियम ड आ ड़क सन्दर्भ सेहो लागू होइत अछि।
३.व आ ब : मैथिलीमे “व”क उच्चारण ब कएल जाइत अछि, मुदा ओकरा ब रूपमे नहि लिखल जएबाक चाही। जेना- उच्चारण : बैद्यनाथ, बिद्या, नब, देबता, बिष्णु, बंश, बन्दना आदि। एहिसभक स्थानपर क्रमशः वैद्यनाथ, विद्या, नव, देवता, विष्णु, वंश, वन्दना लिखबाक चाही। सामान्यतया व उच्चारणक लेल ओ प्रयोग कएल जाइत अछि। जेना- ओकील, ओजह आदि।
४.य आ ज : कतहु-कतहु “य”क उच्चारण “ज”जकाँ करैत देखल जाइत अछि, मुदा ओकरा ज नहि लिखबाक चाही। उच्चारणमे यज्ञ, जदि, जमुना, जुग, जाबत, जोगी, जदु, जम आदि कहल जाएवला शब्दसभकेँ क्रमशः यज्ञ, यदि, यमुना, युग, याबत, योगी, यदु, यम लिखबाक चाही।
५.ए आ य : मैथिलीक वर्तनीमे ए आ य दुनू लिखल जाइत अछि।
प्राचीन वर्तनी- कएल, जाए, होएत, माए, भाए, गाए आदि।
नवीन वर्तनी- कयल, जाय, होयत, माय, भाय, गाय आदि।
सामान्यतया शब्दक शुरूमे ए मात्र अबैत अछि। जेना एहि, एना, एकर, एहन आदि। एहि शब्दसभक स्थानपर यहि, यना, यकर, यहन आदिक प्रयोग नहि करबाक चाही। यद्यपि मैथिलीभाषी थारूसहित किछु जातिमे शब्दक आरम्भोमे “ए”केँ य कहि उच्चारण कएल जाइत अछि।
ए आ “य”क प्रयोगक प्रयोगक सन्दर्भमे प्राचीने पद्धतिक अनुसरण करब उपयुक्त मानि एहि पुस्तकमे ओकरे प्रयोग कएल गेल अछि। किएक तँ दुनूक लेखनमे कोनो सहजता आ दुरूहताक बात नहि अछि। आ मैथिलीक सर्वसाधारणक उच्चारण-शैली यक अपेक्षा एसँ बेसी निकट छैक। खास कऽ कएल, हएब आदि कतिपय शब्दकेँ कैल, हैब आदि रूपमे कतहु-कतहु लिखल जाएब सेहो “ए”क प्रयोगकेँ बेसी समीचीन प्रमाणित करैत अछि।
६.हि, हु तथा एकार, ओकार : मैथिलीक प्राचीन लेखन-परम्परामे कोनो बातपर बल दैत काल शब्दक पाछाँ हि, हु लगाओल जाइत छैक। जेना- हुनकहि, अपनहु, ओकरहु, तत्कालहि, चोट्टहि, आनहु आदि। मुदा आधुनिक लेखनमे हिक स्थानपर एकार एवं हुक स्थानपर ओकारक प्रयोग करैत देखल जाइत अछि। जेना- हुनके, अपनो, तत्काले, चोट्टे, आनो आदि।
७.ष तथा ख : मैथिली भाषामे अधिकांशतः षक उच्चारण ख होइत अछि। जेना- षड्यन्त्र (खड़यन्त्र), षोडशी (खोड़शी), षट्कोण (खटकोण), वृषेश (वृखेश), सन्तोष (सन्तोख) आदि।
८.ध्वनि-लोप : निम्नलिखित अवस्थामे शब्दसँ ध्वनि-लोप भऽ जाइत अछि:
(क)क्रियान्वयी प्रत्यय अयमे य वा ए लुप्त भऽ जाइत अछि। ओहिमेसँ पहिने अक उच्चारण दीर्घ भऽ जाइत अछि। ओकर आगाँ लोप-सूचक चिह्न वा विकारी (’ / ऽ) लगाओल जाइछ। जेना-
पूर्ण रूप : पढ़ए (पढ़य) गेलाह, कए (कय) लेल, उठए (उठय) पड़तौक।
अपूर्ण रूप : पढ़’ गेलाह, क’ लेल, उठ’ पड़तौक।
पढ़ऽ गेलाह, कऽ लेल, उठऽ पड़तौक।
(ख)पूर्वकालिक कृत आय (आए) प्रत्ययमे य (ए) लुप्त भऽ जाइछ, मुदा लोप-सूचक विकारी नहि लगाओल जाइछ। जेना-
पूर्ण रूप : खाए (य) गेल, पठाय (ए) देब, नहाए (य) अएलाह।
अपूर्ण रूप : खा गेल, पठा देब, नहा अएलाह।
(ग)स्त्री प्रत्यय इक उच्चारण क्रियापद, संज्ञा, ओ विशेषण तीनूमे लुप्त भऽ जाइत अछि। जेना-
पूर्ण रूप : दोसरि मालिनि चलि गेलि।
अपूर्ण रूप : दोसर मालिन चलि गेल।
(घ)वर्तमान कृदन्तक अन्तिम त लुप्त भऽ जाइत अछि। जेना-
पूर्ण रूप : पढ़ैत अछि, बजैत अछि, गबैत अछि।
अपूर्ण रूप : पढ़ै अछि, बजै अछि, गबै अछि।
(ङ)क्रियापदक अवसान इक, उक, ऐक तथा हीकमे लुप्त भऽ जाइत अछि। जेना-
पूर्ण रूप: छियौक, छियैक, छहीक, छौक, छैक, अबितैक, होइक।
अपूर्ण रूप : छियौ, छियै, छही, छौ, छै, अबितै, होइ।
(च)क्रियापदीय प्रत्यय न्ह, हु तथा हकारक लोप भऽ जाइछ। जेना-
पूर्ण रूप : छन्हि, कहलन्हि, कहलहुँ, गेलह, नहि।
अपूर्ण रूप : छनि, कहलनि, कहलौँ, गेलऽ, नइ, नञि, नै।
९.ध्वनि स्थानान्तरण : कोनो-कोनो स्वर-ध्वनि अपना जगहसँ हटिकऽ दोसरठाम चलि जाइत अछि। खास कऽ ह्रस्व इ आ उक सम्बन्धमे ई बात लागू होइत अछि। मैथिलीकरण भऽ गेल शब्दक मध्य वा अन्तमे जँ ह्रस्व इ वा उ आबए तँ ओकर ध्वनि स्थानान्तरित भऽ एक अक्षर आगाँ आबि जाइत अछि। जेना- शनि (शइन), पानि (पाइन), दालि ( दाइल), माटि (माइट), काछु (काउछ), मासु(माउस) आदि। मुदा तत्सम शब्दसभमे ई नियम लागू नहि होइत अछि। जेना- रश्मिकेँ रइश्म आ सुधांशुकेँ सुधाउंस नहि कहल जा सकैत अछि।
१०.हलन्त(्)क प्रयोग : मैथिली भाषामे सामान्यतया हलन्त (्)क आवश्यकता नहि होइत अछि। कारण जे शब्दक अन्तमे अ उच्चारण नहि होइत अछि। मुदा संस्कृत भाषासँ जहिनाक तहिना मैथिलीमे आएल (तत्सम) शब्दसभमे हलन्त प्रयोग कएल जाइत अछि। एहि पोथीमे सामान्यतया सम्पूर्ण शब्दकेँ मैथिली भाषासम्बन्धी नियमअनुसार हलन्तविहीन राखल गेल अछि। मुदा व्याकरणसम्बन्धी प्रयोजनक लेल अत्यावश्यक स्थानपर कतहु-कतहु हलन्त देल गेल अछि। प्रस्तुत पोथीमे मथिली लेखनक प्राचीन आ नवीन दुनू शैलीक सरल आ समीचीन पक्षसभकेँ समेटिकऽ वर्ण-विन्यास कएल गेल अछि। स्थान आ समयमे बचतक सङ्गहि हस्त-लेखन तथा तकनिकी दृष्टिसँ सेहो सरल होबऽवला हिसाबसँ वर्ण-विन्यास मिलाओल गेल अछि। वर्तमान समयमे मैथिली मातृभाषीपर्यन्तकेँ आन भाषाक माध्यमसँ मैथिलीक ज्ञान लेबऽ पड़िरहल परिप्रेक्ष्यमे लेखनमे सहजता तथा एकरूपतापर ध्यान देल गेल अछि। तखन मैथिली भाषाक मूल विशेषतासभ कुण्ठित नहि होइक, ताहूदिस लेखक-मण्डल सचेत अछि। प्रसिद्ध भाषाशास्त्री डा. रामावतार यादवक कहब छनि जे सरलताक अनुसन्धानमे एहन अवस्था किन्नहु ने आबऽ देबाक चाही जे भाषाक विशेषता छाँहमे पडि जाए। हमसभ हुनक धारणाकेँ पूर्ण रूपसँ सङ्ग लऽ चलबाक प्रयास कएलहुँ अछि।
पोथीक वर्णविन्यास कक्षा ९ क पोथीसँ किछु मात्रामे भिन्न अछि। निरन्तर अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान आ विश्लेषणक कारणे ई सुधारात्मक भिन्नता आएल अछि। भविष्यमे आनहु पोथीकेँ परिमार्जित करैत मैथिली पाठ्यपुस्तकक वर्णविन्यासमे पूर्णरूपेण एकरूपता अनबाक हमरासभक प्रयत्न रहत।
कक्षा १० मैथिली लेखन तथा परिमार्जन महेन्द्र मलंगिया/ धीरेन्द्र प्रेमर्षि संयोजन- गणेशप्रसाद भट्टराई
प्रकाशक शिक्षा तथा खेलकूद मन्त्रालय, पाठ्यक्रम विकास केन्द्र,सानोठिमी, भक्तपुर
सर्वाधिकार पाठ्यक्रम विकास केन्द्र एवं जनक शिक्षा सामग्री केन्द्र, सानोठिमी, भक्तपुर।
पहिल संस्करण २०५८ बैशाख (२००२ ई.)
योगदान: शिवप्रसाद सत्याल, जगन्नाथ अवा, गोरखबहादुर सिंह, गणेशप्रसाद भट्टराई, डा. रामावतार यादव, डा. राजेन्द्र विमल, डा. रामदयाल राकेश, धर्मेन्द्र विह्वल, रूपा धीरू, नीरज कर्ण, रमेश रञ्जन
भाषा सम्पादन- नीरज कर्ण, रूपा झा
2. मैथिली अकादमी, पटना द्वारा निर्धारित मैथिली लेखन-शैली
1. जे शब्द मैथिली-साहित्यक प्राचीन कालसँ आइ धरि जाहि वर्त्तनीमे प्रचलित अछि, से सामान्यतः ताहि वर्त्तनीमे लिखल जाय- उदाहरणार्थ-
जेकर, तेकर
तिनकर।(वैकल्पिक रूपेँ ग्राह्य)
ऐछ, अहि, ए।
2. निम्नलिखित तीन प्रकारक रूप वैक्लपिकतया अपनाओल जाय:भ गेल, भय गेल वा भए गेल। जा रहल अछि, जाय रहल अछि, जाए रहल अछि। कर’ गेलाह, वा करय गेलाह वा करए गेलाह।
3. प्राचीन मैथिलीक ‘न्ह’ ध्वनिक स्थानमे ‘न’ लिखल जाय सकैत अछि यथा कहलनि वा कहलन्हि।
4. ‘ऐ’ तथा ‘औ’ ततय लिखल जाय जत’ स्पष्टतः ‘अइ’ तथा ‘अउ’ सदृश उच्चारण इष्ट हो। यथा- देखैत, छलैक, बौआ, छौक इत्यादि।
5. मैथिलीक निम्नलिखित शब्द एहि रूपे प्रयुक्त होयत:जैह,सैह,इएह,ओऐह,लैह तथा दैह।
6. ह्र्स्व इकारांत शब्दमे ‘इ’ के लुप्त करब सामान्यतः अग्राह्य थिक। यथा- ग्राह्य देखि आबह, मालिनि गेलि (मनुष्य मात्रमे)।
7. स्वतंत्र ह्रस्व ‘ए’ वा ‘य’ प्राचीन मैथिलीक उद्धरण आदिमे तँ यथावत राखल जाय, किंतु आधुनिक प्रयोगमे वैकल्पिक रूपेँ ‘ए’ वा ‘य’ लिखल जाय। यथा:- कयल वा कएल, अयलाह वा अएलाह, जाय वा जाए इत्यादि।
8. उच्चारणमे दू स्वरक बीच जे ‘य’ ध्वनि स्वतः आबि जाइत अछि तकरा लेखमे स्थान वैकल्पिक रूपेँ देल जाय। यथा- धीआ, अढ़ैआ, विआह, वा धीया, अढ़ैया, बियाह।
9. सानुनासिक स्वतंत्र स्वरक स्थान यथासंभव ‘ञ’ लिखल जाय वा सानुनासिक स्वर। यथा:- मैञा, कनिञा, किरतनिञा वा मैआँ, कनिआँ, किरतनिआँ।
10. कारकक विभक्त्तिक निम्नलिखित रूप ग्राह्य:-हाथकेँ, हाथसँ, हाथेँ, हाथक, हाथमे। ’मे’ मे अनुस्वार सर्वथा त्याज्य थिक। ‘क’ क वैकल्पिक रूप ‘केर’ राखल जा सकैत अछि।
11. पूर्वकालिक क्रियापदक बाद ‘कय’ वा ‘कए’ अव्यय वैकल्पिक रूपेँ लगाओल जा सकैत अछि। यथा:- देखि कय वा देखि कए।
12. माँग, भाँग आदिक स्थानमे माङ, भाङ इत्यादि लिखल जाय।
13. अर्द्ध ‘न’ ओ अर्द्ध ‘म’ क बदला अनुसार नहि लिखल जाय, किंतु छापाक सुविधार्थ अर्द्ध ‘ङ’ , ‘ञ’, तथा ‘ण’ क बदला अनुस्वारो लिखल जा सकैत अछि। यथा:- अङ्क, वा अंक, अञ्चल वा अंचल, कण्ठ वा कंठ।
14. हलंत चिह्न नियमतः लगाओल जाय, किंतु विभक्तिक संग अकारांत प्रयोग कएल जाय। यथा:- श्रीमान्, किंतु श्रीमानक।
15. सभ एकल कारक चिह्न शब्दमे सटा क’ लिखल जाय, हटा क’ नहि, संयुक्त विभक्तिक हेतु फराक लिखल जाय, यथा घर परक।
16. अनुनासिककेँ चन्द्रबिन्दु द्वारा व्यक्त कयल जाय। परंतु मुद्रणक सुविधार्थ हि समान जटिल मात्रा पर अनुस्वारक प्रयोग चन्द्रबिन्दुक बदला कयल जा सकैत अछि। यथा- हिँ केर बदला हिं।
17. पूर्ण विराम पासीसँ ( । ) सूचित कयल जाय।
18. समस्त पद सटा क’ लिखल जाय, वा हाइफेनसँ जोड़ि क’ , हटा क’ नहि।
19. लिअ तथा दिअ शब्दमे बिकारी (ऽ) नहि लगाओल जाय।
20. अंक देवनागरी रूपमे राखल जाय।
21.किछु ध्वनिक लेल नवीन चिन्ह बनबाओल जाय। जा' ई नहि बनल अछि ताबत एहि दुनू ध्वनिक बदला पूर्ववत् अय/ आय/ अए/ आए/ आओ/ अओ लिखल जाय। आकि ऎ वा ऒ सँ व्यक्त कएल जाय।
ह./- गोविन्द झा ११/८/७६ श्रीकान्त ठाकुर ११/८/७६ सुरेन्द्र झा "सुमन" ११/०८/७६
8.1.Original poem in Maithili by Ramlochan Thakur Translated into English by Gajendra Thakur
8.2.THE COMET- English translation of Gajendra Thakur's Maithili Novel Sahasrabadhani translated by Jyoti.
DATE-LIST (year- 2009-10)
(१४१७ साल)
Marriage Days:
Nov.2009- 19, 22, 23, 27
May 2010- 28, 30
June 2010- 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21,23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30
July 2010- 1, 8, 9, 14
Upanayana Days: June 2010- 21,22
Dviragaman Din:
November 2009- 18, 19, 23, 27, 29
December 2009- 2, 4, 6
Feb 2010- 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25
March 2010- 1, 4, 5
Mundan Din:
November 2009- 18, 19, 23
December 2009- 3
Jan 2010- 18, 22
Feb 2010- 3, 15, 25, 26
March 2010- 3, 5
June 2010- 2, 21
July 2010- 1
Mauna Panchami-12 July
Madhushravani-24 July
Nag Panchami-26 Jul
Raksha Bandhan-5 Aug
Krishnastami-13-14 Aug
Kushi Amavasya- 20 August
Hartalika Teej- 23 Aug
ChauthChandra-23 Aug
Karma Dharma Ekadashi-31 August
Indra Pooja Aarambh- 1 September
Anant Caturdashi- 3 Sep
Pitri Paksha begins- 5 Sep
Jimootavahan Vrata/ Jitia-11 Sep
Matri Navami- 13 Sep
Vishwakarma Pooja-17Sep
Kalashsthapan-19 Sep
Belnauti- 24 September
Mahastami- 26 Sep
Maha Navami - 27 September
Vijaya Dashami- 28 September
Kojagara- 3 Oct
Dhanteras- 15 Oct
Chaturdashi-27 Oct
Diyabati/Deepavali/Shyama Pooja-17 Oct
Annakoota/ Govardhana Pooja-18 Oct
Bhratridwitiya/ Chitragupta Pooja-20 Oct
Chhathi- -24 Oct
Akshyay Navami- 27 Oct
Devotthan Ekadashi- 29 Oct
Kartik Poornima/ Sama Bisarjan- 2 Nov
Somvari Amavasya Vrata-16 Nov
Vivaha Panchami- 21 Nov
Ravi vrat arambh-22 Nov
Navanna Parvana-25 Nov
Naraknivaran chaturdashi-13 Jan
Makara/ Teela Sankranti-14 Jan
Basant Panchami/ Saraswati Pooja- 20 Jan
Mahashivaratri-12 Feb
Fagua-28 Feb
Holi-1 Mar
Ram Navami-24 March
Mesha Sankranti-Satuani-14 April
Jurishital-15 April
Ravi Brat Ant-25 April
Akshaya Tritiya-16 May
Janaki Navami- 22 May
Vat Savitri-barasait-12 June
Ganga Dashhara-21 June
Hari Sayan Ekadashi- 21 Jul
Guru Poornima-25 Jul
Original poem in Maithili by Ramlochan Thakur
Translated into English by Gajendra Thakur
You and I
Anyone whatever be
Itihashanta, Gita or Gitanjali
Is not without purpose
The creator is not impartial
The only difference
That what I hold
You do not
Purposeful false talk
Yudhishthir does
Cheats teacher
You know too
But do not hold
Calling him out as Dharmaraja, the uprighteous
But not I.
The Comet
English Translation of Gajendra Thakur's Maithili Novel Sahasrabadhani translated into English by Smt. Jyoti Jha Chaudhary
Mother had hidden her sons inside the house. Once, Nand took Aaruni to the pillars of the bridge in the river by a steamer. Nand said, “see the pillar in construction of which many labours fell into the river, around hundred people or even more. Families of only a few dead workers could get compensation. Other names were not listed nor did anyone try to find those. In spite of that all engineers are still associated with the contractor.
Aaruni suddenly came out of those past memories. He got off the bus and revised the list of dead workers printed on the pillar. Names of a few people were listed there; perhaps people who couldn’t get compensation were not named in that list. Aaruni and Aazam Saheb caught the bus without delay when bus was to restart.
He asked again, “you say that you live in a rental house in Patna”.
“Yes, I went to the village for funeral of my father, mother will not be comfortable in that house after death of father. So she stayed in the village. Now I will search a new house in Patna. I however work in Calcutta.”
“Oh! After working for thirty years in P.W.D. he couldn’t make a single house. People did many things. I had started living with principles of your father after 1981. The houses I have made those are double storied for namesake only. There is one unfinished rooms in each of my houses. What had the government given to your father? He never worked to get fame. Everyone was wishing to go to works division but he always liked to go to non-works division.”
Then he asked Aaruni, “What do you do?”
“Father, mother and brother were living in Patna. I am in Intelligence Department in Calcutta. Sometimes I remain in uniform and sometimes I am not allowed to use that.”
“Visit me in Patna as well as in Darbhanga. Bring your mother. My wife will be very happy to see you. Nehal is in Patna nowadays.”
Then he got off the bus in Patna Harding Park Bus Stand by giving his both residential addresses with his hands having affectionate touch. Aaruni used to be happy by seeing Hording while coming from out of Patna. But after death of his father he lost his affection for this city and he will have to struggle to live in this city from now. Why such incidents were happening around him in sequence? How co-incidentally did Aazam Saheb meet him on that day? Why he did not meet him in last fifteen years? What does His grace wants from him?
He caught a rickshaw to go to his home. He restarted thinking. Father had once stomach pain at 2 o’clock in the night after eating jack fruit. He was too nervous to get the idea to ask Shravanji, his neighbour for help to call a doctor. Actually he had the idea but he never had talked to him before so he couldn’t dare to ask for help in need on that day. Mother knocked the doors of neighbours and kept on crying. One of the neighbours called the doctor then father’s life was saved. Mother was cursing as well as saying “people say not to cry because you have a five years old son and you all.....worthless, you will pay for everything, I will die.”
Sister was studying in college. She had to go on feet. The school of Aaruni and his brother was situated little bit further to the college. Sister said to both of them to go with her. They even went one day but both brothers kept on going fastly without talking to each other and they were trying not to be recognised by other boys as brothers of her. Now he thinks that what was wrong if people could have recognised them as brothers of her.
It was his personality disorder. When he grew up he started complaining about his parent’s over protective nature to him. According to him his parents tried to protect them from the evils of outside world. They didn’t allow him to talk to neighbours and didn’t make him bold enough to make friends. His parents such restrictions made him nostalgic and shy.
He used to dream about his parents fights and get up because of fear. Aaruni had many fights with his elder brother and sister. But once he cried and shouted a lot after witnessing quarrel between mother and father. Before that incident he had a conflict with his siblings and he was not talking to them. Every time, his elders were starting talk with him. But after that incident he cried and initiated talking to his sister and after they never fought. Brother was having very short age gap so he often had quarrels with him but with his sister that was reduced a lot.
For all those problems mother blamed his father. Mother never stopped him talking to neighbours, known people and relatives. It was father’s fault only.
Aaruni once wanted to buy Globe. The demand was postponed many times by saying that it would be bought next time. Aaruni stopped studying. Then he got the globe. Sister still says that during the process of fulfilling his desire to buy a globe Aauni lost his interest in studies. His rank in class fell down and father started finding Tantrik to cure that. He even found one Tantrik. They lived in village for quite a long period. There was an accountant babu in the Ganga Bridge Colony. He informed his father that he did not accept bribe but his wife did so. After that all of them were sent to village.
After that all of them were sent to village.
Salary was stopped for some period after transfer in all Bihar government jobs. So Nand sent his family to village after each transfer. One letter from Nand reached village addressing mother. Aaruni read that. It was written to his mother to return the money if she had taken the bribe. He had called the vigilance for clarification so if money would be found at home in raid then it would defame his name.
In such a stressful period Aaruni tried to forget all tension when he was in school. He had worn the artificial laughter in his face. He made that his habit. He started admiring his family. People were already praising Nand’s honesty. Aaruni was not intended to disclose the peaceless environment of his house as he thought people would laugh at that. He kept on surviving in the endangered reputation of honesty of his family. The habit of thinking and lack of confidence in decision making were associated with him in such a way that his all activities were affected either it was getting to sleep or reading and writing. He had just finished half yearly examination of class ten. He solved one question of Commerce but that was wrong. Then he tried twice and then thrice. He knew answers to all questions but he was stuck to the first question. He concealed the copy under his shirt. And when he came out to drink water he came direct to house. He often lost in thought while studying. He spent an hour in one page in such situation. He went to the zoo once. Some relatives met him there. They were very hi-fi people. However they did not say anything but their look and behaviour made Aaruni feeling inferior. He disappeared himself in crowd and returned home. He didn’t have money in his pocket so he walked. On the other hand everyone was wondering where he had gone. When everyone reached home then he accepted their guess that he was really lost. He didn’t reveal the truth to anyone.
All whom he met asked him if he was son of him and then praised his father by calling him Godlike person.
His father had to make payslip to withdraw salary in his office. Once, Aaruni got the job of getting payslip. The clerk requested staff to make his father’s play slip without taking money.
Colleagues as well as contractors were not happy with his father. The colleagues had problem that he was neither earning bribes himself nor was he giving others the chance to do so. Once, when all went village after transfer, the elder brother, who used to steal good plants from others to plant in own garden, had turned very timid and became one of those boys sitting on the back seat in the classroom within a year. That was unusually longer stay in the village after a transfer. Later on, a candidate of the Chief Minster’s post came to ask for vote then his uncle met that leader and requested for transfer of his father from works to non-works job for sake of children. The leader assured that if he would win he would do that. He said that he got many requests for transfer to works but that one first case where someone was asking for non-works job.
Fortunately that leader won the election and elected to be the Chief Minister. He did one favour to us after taking oath that he transferred Aaruni’s father to non-works job. Nand’s family came to the town again. Once, when they were living in village, a friend of brother of Aaruni said something on some other context.
According to that guy his mother’s behaviour was very aggressive and she was habituated to quarrel at the time of eating. But he had seen someone more aggressive than her on that day.
Aaruni was witnessing the quarrels resulting from financial crisis. He still becomes stressed when he recalls those two incidents. One was the month of deduction of income tax i.e. March. This incident repeats every year. But the tax increased enough to deduct all of salary of March in that year. Mother said that how all would get food. All would have to beg. But Nand sent a postcard to one of his nephews in the village and he dropped Rs. 800 to his door then she came out of fear of insecurity. Aaruni is still thrilled whenever he sees someone begging. Other incident was an accident that occurred in front of his house after which his brother had stopped eating and started crying that resulted in his red eyes. When Nand tried to console him then he asked that what would happen to all of them if Nand died.
Father, calculated insurance benefit, G.P.F., gratuity and told him that they would get Rs. 99,000 immediately. Father kept on informing the elder son for an hour.
Once Aaruni’s uncle (husband of sister of his father) visited him. All still felt much secured when someone visited them. Since Aaruni was brother-in-law of that person so japing was also included in their conversation.
He said that there was a B.D.O. sahib in Jhanjharpur who was as honest as Nand. His father was fisherman. He suffered a lot to survive and become an officer. But he also had only a cot in the name of possession like Nand had at his home. He also said to Nand that why he had become an officer. He should have stayed in the village to eat fish and rice on his cot. He could have found the business of fishery more profitable.
After marriage of Aaruni’s sister his brother-in-law often visited his house. Aaruni’s parents started quarrelling as soon as their son-in-law was seen because of lack of proper arrangements at home.
Father started his mission to punish the culprits accepting bribes after transfer. And when he lost his faith in system of the Government then he went to a tantrik. The conflicts between parents were increased. Once Aaruni had big argument with his father and he started crying by hugging his two siblings.
The quarrel between siblings vanished thereafter.
Aaruni reached home murmuring with confusion.
He had gone out to search a rental house between 2-3 pm and returned in the evening.
He was coming home from the school one day.
He was not feeling well while returning home. He was coming from school. Everyone was talking about possibility of happening of something impossible. Aaruni with his brother was reading in class seven, together. But since his elder brother was suffering from stomach ache on that day so he took leave from school after recession. Whenever he saw pupils laughing in the school he remembered the condition of his home. He was jealous of those children’s luck. Sometimes he wished that they should have same family condition as his. But he always pretended to be happy. He was scared of his parents’ quarrel at home. He often felt that such conditions would never leave him. He could neither discuss about that nor could he reveal his inner grief to anyone. He was too shy to call anyone for help in need. Mother was very honest to call him timid, coward etc. Outing in evening, visiting fair of Durga Puja , those things were far away from life. There was an earthquake in that area. Everyone came out of house by breaking the grill but Aaruni was resting on his bed. Some reason behind that was laziness and rest because of suicidal thought. He thought that there would be no harm if house would be broken and fallen down on him as he would get rid of his entire problem when he would die.
When he reached near his house he was in panic worrying about his father’s wellness. He asked his mother and sister that how his father was. When everyone started consoling him he became more irritated.
He cried loudly, “Is father dead? Where is his dead body?“
Then his sister replied, “No, nothing happened to him. Your friend, his younger brother, his father and the rickshaw driver all were going in the rickshaw. That poor rickshaw driver had just brought his newly wedded wife home. Four of them died on spot when a truck hit them.
Aaruni stopped crying. The misfortune had knocked other’s door that time. However, one of the dead persons had been his class mate for last eighteen months and they were going to school together daily. He was ringing door bell every morning and that boy was coming downstairs to accompany him to the school. He recalled that he as usual rang the call bell yesterday too and his sister who was wearing spectacles and was very high tempered informed Aaruni that her brother was coming and she also complained that he was pushing the bell for very long time and repeatedly.
He recalled that he as usual rang the call bell yesterday too and his sister who was wearing spectacles and was very high tempered informed Aaruni that her brother was coming and she also complained that he was pushing the bell for very long time and repeatedly. Aaruni waited for him yesterday but he clarified the fact that he would not ring the bell from the next day so if the boy wanted his company then he had to come before he left. Since, he hadn’t come on that day so he went to school without ringing the bell. It was the first time in past eighteen months when Aaruni had not rang the bell and he missed the school. Aaruni was frightened if that boy had told his family about his idea of not ringing the bell from the next time at the time of going to school. Then he thought that the boy might have some other work. After all he was going with in father and younger brother. In that way Aaruni was not sad but worried. To hide his thoughts he was standing calm with a mask of grief on his face. He only had the idea of not going to school with that boy from the next day. Let him go alone. But he had proven that he wouldn’t go school alone. The eyes of mother of Aaruni were filled up with tears but Aaruni was happy as his fear of father’s death was falsified.
As soon as they got new rental house both brothers shifted their house and brought their mother from the village. Aaruni joined his job.
“No, there is nothing like that, we have to do this as a part of our duty.”
“But, don’t you think you all have turned very rude this time?”
“There is no question of being rude. We take action on the basis of some reliable information.”
“Suppose I have enmity with someone and he uses your help to fulfil his personal enmity and selfishness.”
“Do you suspect any particular person?”
“No, I was just giving an example.”
“No, we don’t take action on the basis of any information. First we investigate that information then we get permission to search.”
“Will I ever be resuming my respect even if you will certify me faultless after this incident?”
“Will I ever be resuming my respect even if you will certify me faultless after this incident?”
“We will have to sit idle in this way. Well, your statement is also logical. If someone has done this out of envy then we will do needful work against him too.”
“What action will you take against him? Action is already taken on me. All byres are broken. We are so old in this business. We have been working in this business for last three generations. If possible then prefer clandestine removal. Who will believe that you didn’t get any thing after raiding all sheds?”
He was not wrong. That businessman of plywood was known for his class one work, but the information Aaruni got was just opposite. Anyways, that raid was in vain. Teams from factory, house, and dealers’ offices – all returned barehanded. The company was famous. Officers were scared and they had opted Aaruni for this job considering his personal reputation. Phone calls from the headquarter started coming to Aaruni one after one. Morning arrived while finishing raids. He had to submit report till 10 am. The owner of the factory had also expressed his anger to Aaruni. The company named Swarnaply had approach to Delhi too. Being tired of such situations Aaruni reached home in the morning. He switched off the mobile phone and tried to sleep after setting the alarm clock for 9 o’clock. The raid had been going on from yesterday. How can this happen? Why couldn’t any thing for clandestine removal found anywhere? Was that plan leaked before action? But that case was only known to the director of vigilance apart from Aaruni. He was thinking those things on the bed. He couldn’t sleep but alarm rang.
It seemed that everyone was waiting for him. Many people told him that intelligence information of such cases had been received by them too but they never tried to do that job as proving clandestine removal case was very tough in such situations. Gossips started that he was trying to be hero and finally would come out with a transfer order from the director’s room.
Aaruni entered the director’s room and asked for more time straight away. He diverted the topic and didn’t disclose his plan. He didn’t want to take any chance that time.
Aaruni started working away from the factory of Swarnaply and its dealers. He read all documents very carefully. He also noted something on paper. Then according to his plan he started from Kolkata to Patna and then from Patna to Arariya.
He didn’t chew beetle leaves and he liked to have tea only at home.
He didn’t chew beetle leaves and he liked to have tea only at home. But if he had to collect information from people then it was impossible to success without going to tea and paan shop. So he started chewing paan and sipping tea. And the pan with gulkand of Babul dada’s shop was tasty too. In return Babul dada had given him list of all plywood factories in that area. But the wrecked condition of roads was dependent on God’s grace. Aaruni managed to go through the path filled with dust and dirt to one factory that was supplying materials to the Swarnaply. The security guard at the gate said that the owner visited other factory. In that way Aaruni knew that there were two factories.
Aaruni reached another factory after a tiring journey where one Marwari guy was manager.
“Where are you coming from?”
“I am coming from Patna but don’t know how I will return.”
“Oh yes, one person assassinated a leader by firing gun. However, the leader was in jail but he came out of Purniya Jail to have a tour against the law. What can the jailor do? A jailor hadn’t allowed a prisoner to go out for a walk last month then the jailor was shot to death in the Bhatta bazaar. And this time the new jailer who gave permission to the prisoner to go out is suspended from his job. Curfew is announced in the town after that death. Stay with me. I am living in my guest house. My family is in Silliguri. I am not married yet. I have to go to Calcutta in the morning next day. I will go to Silliguri by my own vehicle so I will change my root while going there to drop you at Purniya bus stop.
Aaruni liked the fact that the youth was a chatty person. He had long chatting with him in the night at the guesthouse. The subduing workers of the leader were collecting subscription forcibly.
“There will be loss without applying clandestine in such situation. Yes, it is unavoidable. Such leaders are responsible for this. What can businessmen do? “
Then the Marwari guy named Naval had looked at Aaruni cunningly. Aaruni thought where that guy had some suspicion on him.
Aaruni thought that guy had some suspicion on him.
“No we have the principle of not going for clandestine. Some adjustments are needed to be done for this.”
Aaruni remembered how the owner of the Swarnaply said that he would like to go for clandestine removal.
Then how do they work? However that factory in Arariya was doing factory work of Swarnaply and all federal duties of that factory were handled by the Swarnaply. Even if he considered clandestine that was not useful as tax was paid by the Swarnaply.
Meanwhile, phone rang. Since ring sounded long so there was no doubt that it was an STD call. Suddenly that boy became silent by looking at Aaruni after receiving the call.
The cook who was addressed as Jha by Naval announced that food was ready. Aaruni and Naval had formal conversation. Both slept afterwards. As per he agreed that boy dropped Aaruni at Purniya bus stop in the morning. Aaruni asked Naval before getting off, “There is an office of Swarnaply in Calcutta. Are you going there?”
He laughed.
“You are in vigilance. The STD call I received yesterday was from Calcutta office. Someone from your department had revealed them about your Arariya trip. Look, I told you that I only do adjustment. What benefit do I get from that? I am not a tax payee. Yes, I get job because of that. And some provisions for petty expenses, leaders, departments etc are fulfilled from it. That’s all.”
The boy left after saying that.
When Aaruni reached Patna office everyone knew that Aaruni toured that factory at the cost of government for which tax was exempted by the government.
Aaruni returned to Calcutta after meeting the director in Patna. He kept on searching police stations to find whether any recorded case was present against the Swarnaply or any of its employees. But the Swarnaply had very well established goodwill there from the beginning. Now Sankarshan was inafixed. The company was hiding its tax liability worth crores of rupees by manipulating input output ratio but there was no proof.
Aaruni left his phone number at those police stations and instructed them to inform him if any case against the Swarnaply or its employe was found. He denied to submit closure report to his local director and said that he was still watching in case some information was fetched.
He denied to submit closure report to his local director and said that he was still watching in case some information would be fetched.
Six months later:
There was STD ring in the morning.
“I am calling from the Calcutta Salt Lake police station. Some has filed a case that he was robbed of his suitcase containing some cash and cheques by the auto rickshaw driver when he was returning from the Swarnaply office after receiving the payment.”
“How much cash and what value of cheques?”
“1 lakh and 79 thousands of Cash and cheques worth 1 lakh and 83 thousands of Rupees. Perhaps he has some insurance for cash so he filed F.I.R. Cheques can be stopped.”
Aaruni with his team made a raid on that person’s house whose money was stolen by the auto driver. He received a diary during the raid. He called the Patna office next and requested for the newest returns of removal of factory in Arariya to be availed to him. The person on whose house raid was made brought to his office. He came to know on the way that the person was brother-in-law of Naval. Apart from being the accountant of factory of Arariya he was a liaison officer of the Swarnaply Company and the factory in Arariya.
Now all facts were crystal clear. The diary retrieved had columns of cash and cheques. Details were present with dates. The cheque total was reconciled with clearance of the factory of Arariya and it was also proved that almost half payment of all transactions of the Swarnaply was paid in cash details of which were neither present in the books of the Swarnaply nor were those recorded in the books of the factory at Arariya. Swarnaply was paying tax for only cheque payments which was around half of the real transaction. Sankarshan had submitted that report to the local director.
The crime of the accountant was bail-able so the court released him on bail.
“Tell me about Naval. He is a good person. But he didn’t tell me anything.”
“He died in a road accident occurred or might me created intentionally while he was going to Silliguri from Arariya. I with my son-in-law will go directly to him after finishing here.”
One person who had come to receive the accountant informed excitedly. The son-in-law said, “You must agree that you got this opportunity only because of my foolishness. If I would have not been greedy for retrieving cash through insurance claim then this couldn’t happen.
The director ordered for action against the Swarnaply. The show-cause notice was also removed from the scandal of tax theft of crores of rupees by the Swarnaply. Aaruni was worried.
“Naval was right. He was only doing adjustment. The real theft was done by someone else. He was only a mediator. Even I feel to be a medium for Aaruni’s death.”
With the success in profession Aaruni’s success in job was also starts. Whether he would be a cause other’s problem or not he would never be defeated like his father. He recalled his past time to time.
“I say, do you listen to me. Our daughter is growing up. You have not done anything for your sons. Our house is also not possessed. Where will we live after retirement?”
“I say, do you listen to me. Our daughter is growing up. You have not done anything for your sons. Our house is also not possessed. Where will we live after retirement?”
“Don’t bother about daughter. Groom’s family will approach us. They are getting more facilities than what we got. Now putting effort in studies is up to them. We will live in the village after retirement. We won’t come to town in our next seven births.”
“If any relatives come we won’t have enough arrangement to welcome them.”
“Why do we need special arrangement? Just add some more rice in boiling water.”
Aaruni brought up by hearing such conversation. Once, one relative visited the hospital to see father. He was also talking in the same manner.
“What you did with your body? You didn’t even feel emotion for these kids. Where do they study? You didn’t have any facility nor did you have any responsibility. You have spoiled your life as well as theirs.
Meanwhile, they were interrupted. His wife informed him that there is a phone call for him on hold.
“Aaruni, a big politics is going on in the office. Conspiracy is being plotted against you. It’s my job to alarm you. But you don’t show any reaction.”
“What happened? Should I be scared like my father? To be a saint after being frustrated of a few defeats or to abolish the culprits- what would you have opted out of these two options.
“Don’t bother”, Aaruni said this with a chuckle and hanged up the phone. One lobby of office was following Aaruni. Aaruni was under pressure after transfer. Some people had complained baselessly against him. One office named Shashak was master mind behind that. His favoured staffs were not posted according to his suggestions so he was intended to stop Aaruni’s promotion. Aaruni’s phone connection was dead for some days during that period. Afterwards some calls to Abu Dhabi and Dubai were made from that phone. However, to make an ISD call from a government connection one had to take permission. One of the Administrative persons in Aaruni’s office had availed that facility to Aaruni’s connection by applying in writing without informing Aaruni. He said to the vigilance investigators that since Aaruni was senior to him he had to obey his verbal orders many times. So he had applied for ISD facility to Aaruni following his verbal order.
The mafia has induced him and that Administrative officer also got himself trapped into it.
A fax came on Monday and Aaruni was transferred.
“Represent against this order”, the same familiar voice of Manindra.
“Why are you involved in these matters? Everything will be fine”, Aaruni said.
A party was held in Shashank’s house.
“Mr. Aaruni didn’t even represent for this. He left being relieved. It was like he had surrendered.”
“Promotion will be stopped for next ten year. Seniority will be lost. His name was defamed in addition. He was caught for talking to the smugglers of Dubai.”
Aaruni recalled his father’s transfer, struggle for honesty, failure in struggle and involving himself in tantra and worship afterwards; then he lost interest in home, office and all worldly possessions. The lines of worries are drawn on the face of Aaruni. But that couldn’t stay longer. He had changed his defeat into his victory many times whether it was job or business.
“Hey! Manindra! No phone calls for a long time! You people have forgotten me after my transfer out of state.”
“Why me only, every one had forgotten you here.”
“What do you think? I forgot everything. Do you remember? When I have opted Arts subject against father’s will. I threw all books of science into the pond at 11 o’clock in the night. I had not even left any residue for those books. And when I got first division marks in Arts then I visited village. Before that I missed many marriages, deaths and births. But I didn’t go there.”
“Hey! Brother! You remember everything. I thought you were also turned like uncle. These people don’t deserve pity. Just teach them lesson. Now I have faith that something will happen.”
“Again the same thing! If you have not changed then how can I. I had left you free for some days. Now listen. Do what I tell you to do. Don’t speak a lot. You know very well that my phone was dead for the period when ISD calls were made from the phone. A complaint was also made to the telephone department for that from home. But that was made on phone. No evidence of written document or receipt is available. Just find out whether the telephone department has records of such complaints or not.”
Manidra informed that the telephone department restarted giving complaint number from one after one month. So that didn’t work.
“Well, then try to find out what numbers and who were called from my number. And what are the phone numbers where call had been made from that foreigner’s number.”
“Yes, I just missed this fact.”
Now when Manindra brought list of telephone numbers, all were numbers of the telephone booths. No call was made to Aaruni’s phone.
At the time of hearing of vigilance when Aaruni explained those facts then Shashank was shocked. It was good for him as Shashank’s men were in touch with those booth owners otherwise all of them as well as Shanshank would be trapped. So Aaruni was released from the enquiry.
“Buddy, this is Manindra. Nothing happened to them.”
“I am transferred to Delhi. I will see. Just relax.”
“I became relaxed when you recalled past that day. You had to take revenge of insult of Kaka (uncle). Faces are changed. Situation is the same.”
Aaruni was posted to the information technology department of vigilance in Delhi. The department was known as Shunting posting department. Even being released from the enquiry of vigilance, Aaruni opted for that department. That showed that he was tired. He will be sitting at the corner for next five years. Shashank’s group was very happy.
On the other hand, Aaruni restarted his science that he had left in college. He was engaged with computer and its specialists for whole day. They had also seen such staff after a long time who was engaged in work so dedicatedly. Other people were merely completing their terms.
However, that department was very sensitive. Now, Aaruni was very friendly with his colleagues. All applications were being forwarded in time. New equipments were installed in the office. Earlier, officers were intended to pass the office hours and rush out of office. They were not even fulfilling the necessary necessities of the office.
One phone was installed in the office to practice anti-corruption. It had facility to record telephone calls of smugglers.
Time passed like that for some days.
“Manindra! No phone calls from you”.
“I am relaxed now”.
“Yes, it is time now. Do one thing. Publish the news of relation between Shashank and the smugglers in the news paper. Everything is ready for next.”
No sooner the news was published, the public relation officer of the Minister, who had work of informing the minister about news by submitting the clippings of the news had submitted the clipping of that news to the Minister. Time was not good so there were many charges on the area Minister; session of the parliament was going on those days so the Minister didn’t take any chance. He ordered for the enquiry on the issue.
The case came to the vigilance department. There was an interim meeting for that in which the department of information technicians were also invited.
Date of appointment was fixed. Aaruni attended the meeting as a member of vigilance committee. In most of the cases the department usually gives no objection certificate.
“No charge on Shashank is proved. Aaruni, your department was availed with Telephone Taping equipment. But in our office, even a fax machine is installed after six months of purchase. Then this machine must be kept uninstalled or any conversation is recorded.”
“Sir, this machine was brought on the 1st of this month and its use was started on the same date. The name of the smugglers involved in this case calls of whom were permitted to be recorded by me is given to you. Shashank had first conversation with some of them for a negligible length of time- two conversations each for only half a minute. The second dialogue was at 9 p.m. and the call goes to our staff after that conversation for only half a minute.”
“What is date of this?”
“There was a raid on the sixth and nothing was found on that day. Give me details of these phone calls, Aaruni.”
“Shashank says on first conversation to come to his house at eight o’clock and meet him. It was important talk. In the second call he is angry and says that it is night o’clock and he has not yet come. There is a reply from the smuggler in this call that he is on the gate of Shashank’s house.”
“What is the third conversation?”
“The third call is made by the smuggler to the office staff. He orders to come to the office and he is also coming there. There is nothing more. No evidence could be found for this so if you allow me I can give no objection certificate.”
“Aaruni! What are you saying? Your department had not done anything so useful until today. You have discovered all links. Shashank says to meet him. The smuggler says that he is at the gate. Why does the employee go to the office so late? Shashank leaked the plan of raid and the employee removed all evidences. My staff returned empty handed when they made raid next morning. Now make one more call. Shashank’s number was not taped so according to law the sound in tape should match with his sample voice. When he picks the phone up just say wrong number and hang up.”
“As you wish.”
The procedure was rendered immediately.
“This is open and shut case.” The chief of the vigilance committee informed the fact to the director. The director called Shashank and gave him two options,
“Shashank! After these evidences you have only two options. You have to take compulsory retirement or the enquiry will be carried on.”
Shashank went for compulsory retirement. He left the department.
“Brother Manindra! No phone calls from you.”
“Brother I am relaxed from that day when I found that you remember everything of your childhood. There is no difference between you and Kaka. Only your ways are different. To make you to go for this way of victory I had prompted you many times. Do you remember that? But when you started telling me everything of your childhood I became relaxed from then only.”
“The progress graph of his study was fluctuating with his father. But he retreated to get success. Such incident happened even when he was in job. An accident occurred after a government tour. He stood on his feet after staying 15 days in ventilator and one year on support. He defeated the death. But when he returned office after one and half a year then no one believed. He had same familiar smile on his face. People said that the accident was not by chance but it was planned. Because it happened just after the accident of Naval.
संस्कृत शिक्षा च मैथिली शिक्षा च- २३
(मैथिली भाषा जगज्जननी सीतायाः भाषा आसीत् - हनुमन्तः उक्तवान- मानुषीमिह संस्कृताम्)
-गजेन्द्र ठक्कुरः
ENGLISH संस्कृतम् मैथिली
Have you finished your household chores? गृहकार्यं समाप्तं किम्? घरक काज खतम कऽ लेलहुँ?
Yes, almost finished. आम्, समाप्तप्रायम्। हँ, प्रायः खतमे अछि।
Where were you for last two three days? गतानि द्वित्राणि दिनानि कुत्र आसीत् भवती? अहाँ दू-तीन दिनसँ कत्तऽ छलहुँ?
I had gone to my mother’s place. अहं मातृगृहं गतवती। हम अपन नैहर गेल रही।
Did you meet Shyamala recently? एषु दिनेषु श्यामलया मिलितवती किम्? श्यामलासँ अहाँक भेट हाल-फिलहालमे अछि?
I’ve had a lot of work since morning. मम प्रातः आरभ्य बहु कार्याणि। हमरा भोरेसँ बहुत कार्य रहै-ए।
Again today the maid-servant didn’t come. कर्मकरी अद्य पुनः न आगतवती। काज करएबाली आइ फेर नै आएल।
Guests will come tomorrow. अतिथयः श्वः आगमिष्यन्ति। पाहुन सभ काल्हि आबि रहल छथि।
Shall we go to the vegetable market today? अद्य शाकविपणिं गच्छामः किम्? आइ तरकारी बजार चली की?
I don’t have time today let’s go tomorrow. अद्य मम समयः नास्ति भोः श्वः गमिष्यामः। हमरा आइ समय नहि अछि, हमरा सभ काल्हि चलब।
Next month we will buy a washing machine. अग्रिम-मासे वयं वस्त्रप्रक्षालनयन्त्रं क्रेष्यामः। अगिला मास हम सभ एकटा वाशिंग मशीन कीनब।
A new departmental store has opened nearby. समीपे एकः नूतनः सर्ववस्तु-आपणः उद्धाटितः अस्ति। एकटा नव डिपार्टमेन्टल स्टोर बगलेमे खुजल अछि।
I heard that Rama’s daughter’s marriage is fixed. रमायाः पुत्र्याः विवाहः निश्चितः इति श्रुतवती। हमरा सुबामे आएल अछि जे रमाक बेटीक बियाह ठीक भऽ गेलै।
From today there is a sale of glass wares in that shop. अद्य आरभ्य तस्मिन् आपणे काचपात्राणां न्यूनमूल्येन विक्रयणम् अस्ति। आइसँ ओहि दोकानमे शीसाक समानक बिक्री शुरू छै।
Would you lend me some sugar? किञ्चित् शर्करां ददाति किम्? कनी चिन्नी देब?
Would you tell me it’s recipe? एतस्य पाककृतिं मां वदति किम्? हमरा एकरा बनेबाक ढ़ंग बताएब?
Come, let’s go to the temple. आगच्छतु, देवालयः गच्छामः। आऊ, हम सभ मन्दिर चली।
त्रयोविंशतितमः पाठः
भीमः दुर्योधनस्य अपेक्षया बलवान्।
राकेशस्य अपेक्षया नवीनः बलवान्।
अनीतायाः अपेक्षया तेजस्वनी उन्नता।
पाकिस्थानस्य अपेक्षया भारतम् विशालम्।
कावेर्याः अपेक्षया गङ्गा दीर्घा।
शख्याः अपेक्षया लया सुन्दरी।
सीताया अपेक्षया मालती सुन्दरी।
वयम् पूर्वतन् पाठे अपेक्षया इत्यंशम् ज्ञातवन्तः। इदानीम् अस्मिन् विषये एव पुनः किंचित् अभ्यासं कुर्मः। इदानीम् भवन्तः अपेक्षया उपयुज्य वाक्यानि वदन्तु। वदन्ति वा ?
अहम् इदानीम् किमपि श्रावयामि। भवन्तः श्रुणवन्तु।
गीतम् मधुरम् अस्ति खलु।
रघुवंशम् उत्तमम् काव्यम् खलु।
कालिदासः श्रेष्ठः कविः खलु।
आम् कालिदास श्रेष्ठ खलु।
रामायणम् आदि काव्यम् खलु।
पुष्पम् सुन्दरम् अस्ति खलु।
भवन्तः खलु योजयित्वा वदन्तु।
अद्य शैत्यम् अधिकम् अस्ति खलु।
भोजन उत्तमम् अस्ति खलु।
परीक्षा सन्निहिता खलु।
माता कुशलिनी खलु।
पिता वित्तकोषे कार्यम् करोति खलु।
अनुजः विदेशम् गतवान् खलु।
-अत्र एव गणद्वयम् कुर्मः। भवत्यः एकम् वाक्यम् वदन्तु। भवन्तः खलु योजयित्वा तदैव वाक्यम् पुनः उच्चारयन्तु। अनन्तरम् भवन्तः एकम् वाक्यम् वदन्तु-भवत्यः खलु योजयित्वा पुनः उच्चारयन्तु। आरम्भः कुर्मः।भवान् आगमिष्यति खलु।
कुक्कुरः भौ भौ भौ इति भषति।
कुक्कुरः किम् करोति।
कुक्कुरः गृहस्य रक्षणम् करोति।
व्याघ्रः वने भवति।
व्याघ्र गर्जयति।
व्याघ्रः मृगम् मारयति।
गजः स्थूलः अस्ति।
गजः वस्तु नयति।
गजः ब्रिम्भति?
मार्जालः म्यों वदति।
मार्जालः किम् पिबति।
मार्जालः दुग्धम् पिबति।
मार्जालः मूषकम् खादति।
धेनुः अम्बा वदति।
धेनुः किम् ददाति।
धेनुः दुग्धम् ददाति।
धेनुः किम् खादति।
धेनुः तृणम् खादति।
अश्वः धावति।
अश्वः कथम् धावति।
अश्वः शीघ्रम् धावति।
अश्वः हेसते?
इदानीम् केशाञ्चित् पक्षिणाम् नाम् अपि जानीमः।
काकः रटति। काकः कथम् रटति। काकः का का का इति रटति।
शुकः सुन्दरः अस्ति- खलु।
शुकस्य वर्णः कः। शुकस्य वर्णः हरितः।
हंसः जले संचरति। हंसः जले संचरति।
चटकः चिल्लति।
सिंहः गर्जति।
व्याघ्रः गर्जति।
हंसः जले संचरति।
गजः ब्रिम्हति।
वृषभः नर्दति।
अश्वः हेसते।
मार्जालः वदति।
कुक्कुरः भषति।
काकः रटति।
चटकः चिल्लति।
काकः रटति का का
धेनुः वदति अम्बा
विडालः वदति कथम् म्यां
चटकः वदति कथम् चिं चि
कुक्कुरः भषति कथम् भौं भौं
बे (भे)गः करति कथम् बै बै
अजः वदति कथम् मैं मैं
सर्पः करति कथम् भुस् मुस्
पिकः कूजति कथम् पो पे
सुलभाः पुरुषाः लोके सततं प्रियवादिनः।
अप्रियस्यय च पर्थ्यस्य वक्ता श्रोता च दुर्लभः॥
इदानीम् यत् सुभाषितम् श्रुतवन्तः तस्य तात्पर्यम् एवम् अस्ति।
लोके प्रिय वाक्यानि वक्तुम् सर्वे उत्सहन्तु एव। तथैव श्रोतुम् अपि बहुजनाः सज्जाः भवन्ति। अप्रियम् किन्तु हितकरम् तादृश वचनानि केचनेव वदन्ति। तथैव तानि वचनानि श्रोतुम् केचन् एव उत्सहसन्तु। अतः एव लोके अप्रियस्य पथ्यस्य वचनस्य श्रोता वक्ता द्वौ अपुइ दुर्लभम्।
महाराजस्य विक्रमादित्यस्य औदार्यम् प्रसिद्धमेव। विक्रमादित्यः परम् उदारः प्रजारंजकः च आसीत्। सः प्रजानाम् कष्ट परिहारार्थम् सर्वत्र सदा सञ्चारम् करोति स्म।
एकदा अश्वारोही विक्रमादित्यः अरण्यमार्गे एकाकी एव गच्छन् आसीत्। संध्याकालः सन्निहतः इति शीघ्रम् वनात् बहिः गच्छामि-इति चिन्तयन् आसीत्। तावता एव दूरे कश्याश्चित् गोहोर आक्रन्दनम् श्रुतम्। ताम् दिशाम् अनुश्रित्य एव विक्रमादित्यः तत्र गतवान्। तदा वर्षाकालः आसीत्। अतः नदीषु प्रवाहः आसीत्। भूमिः सर्वथा पंकिला आसीत्। सर्वे गर्ताः अपि जलेन् पूर्णाः आसन्। एतादृशे कश्मिंश्चित् मलिन् गर्ते काचित् गौं पतित्वा आक्रन्दति स्म।एतद् दृष्टवा महाराजः गौः रक्षनार्थम् स्वयमेव पंकम् अवतीर्णवान्। किन्तु स्वोपि पंके निमग्नः इव अभवत्। रात्रिः इत्यत् एकाकी एव धेनुम् रक्षितुम् सह न शक्तवान्। धेनुः अपि प्राण भीत्या उच्चैः आक्रन्दति स्म। तत् श्रुत्वा कश्चन् सिंहः तत्र आगतः। सः गाम् खादितुम् इष्टवान् च। तदा तत्र विद्यमानः अश्वः सिंहम् दृष्ट्वा पलायनम् कृतवान्। इदानीम् एकाकी महाराजः गाम् रक्षितुम् इच्छति, किन्तु सिंहः गाम् खादितुम् इच्छति। अतः महाराजः सिंहस्य भय जननार्थम् स्वस्य कोषात् खड्गम् स्वीकृतवान्। यदा यदा सिंहः गाम् खादितुम् आगच्छति तदा तदा एषः महाराजः खड्गम् दर्शयन् तम् सिंहम् भाययति स्म। गर्तस्य समीपे एकः वटः वृक्षः आसीत्। ततस्थितः कश्चन् शुकः एत सर्वम् पश्यन् आसीत्। सः महाराजम् उक्तवान्- भोः राजन्। अस्याः गोः मरणम् सन्निहितम् अस्ति। भवान् एताम् सिंहात् रक्षति चेत् अपि किमपि प्रयोजनम् नास्ति। यतः पंके पतिता धेनुः प्रातःकालात् पूर्वमेव निमज्जयति। वृथा भवतः प्राणम् त्यागम् करोति। अतः भवान् व्यर्थम् कार्यम् त्यजतु। इदानीम् सिंहः एकः एव अस्ति। घण्टाभ्यन्तरे सिंही अपि अत्र आगच्छति। किंचित् कालानन्तरम् अन्य क्रूर जन्तवः अपि आगच्छन्ति। अतः व्यर्थकार्यम् परित्यजतु। भवतः प्राण रक्षणार्थम् अस्य वृक्षस्य उपरि उपविशतु। इति। शुकस्य वचनम् श्रुत्वा महाराजः उक्तवान्- भो शुका। मद् विषये तव प्रीतिम् ज्ञात्वा संतुष्टः अहम्। किन्तु अनीति मार्गम् भवान् न उपदिशतु। यतः स्वस्य प्राण रक्षणार्थम् क्रीमि कीटादयः अपि यतन्ते। किन्तु यः अन्येषाम् रक्षणार्थम् जीवति सः एव धन्यः। मम् प्रयत्नेन् लाभः भवति वा न वा अहम् न जानामि। किन्तु गोः रक्षणम् मम् कर्तव्यम् – मम् प्राणान् परिकृत्यवा अहम् एताम् धेनुम् रक्षामि एव। इति उक्तवान्।ततः राजा प्रातःकाल पर्यन्तम् अपि गोः रक्षणम् कृतवान्। प्रातः काले सिंहरूपेण स्थितः देवेन्द्रः स्वस्य रूपम् प्राकट्यत्। गोरूपेण स्थिता भूदेवी शुकरूपेण स्थितः धर्मः चापि स्व स्वरूपम् प्रकटतिवन्तः। ते सर्वेपि विक्रमस्य त्याग शौर्यम् च श्लाघित्वा तम् अभिनन्दितवन्तः। एवम् विक्रमस्य औदार्यम् लोकोत्तरम् आसीत्।
१.विदेह ई-पत्रिकाक सभटा पुरान अंक ब्रेल, तिरहुता आ देवनागरी रूपमे Videha e journal's all old issues in Braille Tirhuta and Devanagari versions
२.मैथिली पोथी डाउनलोड Maithili Books Download,
३.मैथिली ऑडियो संकलन Maithili Audio Downloads,
४.मैथिली वीडियोक संकलन Maithili Videos
५.मिथिला चित्रकला/ आधुनिक चित्रकला आ चित्र Mithila Painting/ Modern Art and Photos
"विदेह"क एहि सभ सहयोगी लिंकपर सेहो एक बेर जाऊ।
६.विदेह मैथिली क्विज :
७.विदेह मैथिली जालवृत्त एग्रीगेटर :
८.विदेह मैथिली साहित्य अंग्रेजीमे अनूदित :
९.विदेहक पूर्व-रूप "भालसरिक गाछ" :
१०.विदेह इंडेक्स :
११.विदेह फाइल :
१२. विदेह: सदेह : पहिल तिरहुता (मिथिला़क्षर) जालवृत्त (ब्लॉग)
१३. विदेह:ब्रेल: मैथिली ब्रेलमे: पहिल बेर विदेह द्वारा
१५. 'विदेह' प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका मैथिली पोथीक आर्काइव
१६. 'विदेह' प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका ऑडियो आर्काइव
१७. 'विदेह' प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका वीडियो आर्काइव
१८. 'विदेह' प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका मिथिला चित्रकला, आधुनिक कला आ चित्रकला
१९. मैथिल आर मिथिला (मैथिलीक सभसँ लोकप्रिय जालवृत्त)
२०.श्रुति प्रकाशन
२१.विदेह- सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट
२४.गजेन्द्र ठाकुर इडेoक्स
२५.विदेह रेडियो:मैथिली कथा-कविता आदिक पहिल पोडकास्ट साइटhttp://videha123radio.wordpress.com/
२६. नेना भुटका
महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना (१):महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना: श्रीमान् नचिकेताजीक नाटक "नो एंट्री: मा प्रविश" केर 'विदेह' मे ई-प्रकाशित रूप देखि कए एकर प्रिंट रूपमे प्रकाशनक लेल 'विदेह' केर समक्ष "श्रुति प्रकाशन" केर प्रस्ताव आयल छल। श्री नचिकेता जी एकर प्रिंट रूप करबाक स्वीकृति दए देलन्हि। प्रिंट संस्करणक विवरण एहि पृष्ठपर नीचाँमे।
महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना (२): 'विदेह' द्वारा कएल गेल शोधक आधार पर १.मैथिली-अंग्रेजी शब्द कोश २.अंग्रेजी-मैथिली शब्द कोश श्रुति पब्लिकेशन द्वारा प्रिन्ट फॉर्ममे प्रकाशित करबाक आग्रह स्वीकार कए लेल गेल अछि। संप्रति मैथिली-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश-खण्ड-I-XVI. प्रकाशित कएल जा रहल अछि: लेखक-गजेन्द्र ठाकुर, नागेन्द्र कुमार झा एवं पञ्जीकार विद्यानन्द झा, दाम- रु.५००/- प्रति खण्ड । Combined ISBN No.978-81-907729-2-1 e-mail: shruti.publication@shruti-publication.com website:http://www.shruti-publication.com
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महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना:(४) 'विदेह' द्वारा धारावाहिक रूपे ई-प्रकाशित कएल जा' रहल गजेन्द्र ठाकुरक निबन्ध-प्रबन्ध-समीक्षा, उपन्यास (सहस्रबाढ़नि) , पद्य-संग्रह (सहस्राब्दीक चौपड़पर), कथा-गल्प (गल्प-गुच्छ), नाटक(संकर्षण), महाकाव्य (त्वञ्चाहञ्च आ असञ्जाति मन) आ बाल-किशोर साहित्य विदेहमे संपूर्ण ई-प्रकाशनक बाद प्रिंट फॉर्ममे।कुरुक्षेत्रम्–अन्तर्मनक, खण्ड-१ सँ ७ (लेखकक छिड़िआयल पद्य, उपन्यास, गल्प-कथा, नाटक-एकाङ्की, बालानां कृते, महाकाव्य, शोध-निबन्ध आदिक समग्र संकलन)-लेखक गजेन्द्र ठाकुर Combined ISBN No.978-81-907729-7-6विवरण एहि पृष्ठपर नीचाँमे ।
महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना (५): "विदेह" केर २५म अंक १ जनवरी २००९, प्रिंट संस्करण विदेह-ई-पत्रिकाक पहिल २५ अंकक चुनल रचना सम्मिलित। विवरण एहि पृष्ठपर नीचाँमे।
महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना (६):सूचना: विदेहक मैथिली-अंग्रेजी आ अंग्रेजी मैथिली कोष (इंटरनेटपर पहिल बेर सर्च-डिक्शनरी) एम.एस. एस.क्यू.एल. सर्वर आधारित -Based on ms-sql server Maithili-English and English-Maithili Dictionary. विदेहक भाषापाक- रचनालेखन स्तंभमे
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विदेह: सदेह: 1: तिरहुता : देवनागरी
"विदेह" क २५म अंक १ जनवरी २००९, प्रिंट संस्करण :विदेह-ई-पत्रिकाक पहिल २५ अंकक चुनल रचना सम्मिलित।
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सम्पादक: गजेन्द्र ठाकुर
गजेन्द्र ठाकुर (1971- ) छिड़िआयल निबन्ध-प्रबन्ध-समीक्षा, उपन्यास (सहस्रबाढ़नि) ,पद्य-संग्रह (सहस्राब्दीक चौपड़पर), कथा-गल्प (गल्प-गुच्छ), नाटक(संकर्षण),महाकाव्य (त्वञ्चाहञ्च आ असञ्जाति मन) आ बाल-किशोर साहित्य कुरुक्षेत्रम् अंतर्मनक (खण्ड 1 सँ7 ) नामसँ। हिनकर कथा-संग्रह(गल्प-गुच्छ) क अनुवाद संस्कृतमे आ उपन्यास (सहस्रबाढ़नि) क अनुवाद संस्कृत आ अंग्रेजी(द कॉमेट नामसँ)मे कएल गेल अछि। मैथिली-अंग्रेजी आ अंग्रेजी मैथिली शब्दकोश आ पञ्जी-प्रबन्धक सम्मिलित रूपेँ लेखन-शोध-सम्पादन-आ मिथिलाक्षरसँ देवनागरी लिप्यांतरण। अंतर्जाललेल तिरहुता यूनीकोडक विकासमे योगदान आ मैथिलीभाषामे अंतर्जाल आ संगणकक शब्दावलीक विकास। ई-पत्र संकेत- ggajendra@gmail.com
सहायक सम्पादक: श्रीमती रश्मि रेखा सिन्हा
श्रीमति रश्मि रेखा सिन्हा (1962- ), पिता श्री सुरेन्द्र प्रसाद सिन्हा, पति श्री दीपक कुमार। श्रीमति रश्मि रेखा सिन्हा इतिहास आ राजनीतिशास्त्रमे स्नातकोत्तर उपाधिक संग नालन्दा आ बौधधर्मपर पी.एच.डी.प्राप्त कएने छथि आ लोकनायक जयप्रकाश नारायण पर आलेख-प्रबन्ध सेहो लिखने छथि।सम्प्रति “विदेह” ई-पत्रिका(http://www.videha.co.in/ ) क सहायक सम्पादक छथि।
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एक टा हेरायल दुनिया (कविता-संग्रह) : कृष्णमोहन झा प्रकाशन वर्ष 2008 मूल्य रु. 60.00
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सम्बन्ध (कथा-संग्रह) : मानेश्वर मनुज प्रकाशन वर्ष2007 मूल्य रु. 165.00 शीघ्र प्रकाश्य
इतिहास : संयोग और सार्थकता : सुरेन्द्र चौधरी
संपादक : उदयशंकर
हिंदी कहानी : रचना और परिस्थिति : सुरेन्द्र चौधरी
संपादक : उदयशंकर
साधारण की प्रतिज्ञा : अंधेरे से साक्षात्कार : सुरेन्द्र चौधरी
संपादक : उदयशंकर
बादल सरकार : जीवन और रंगमंच : अशोक भौमिक
बालकृष्ण भट्ïट और आधुनिक हिंदी आलोचना का आरंभ : अभिषेक रौशन
सामाजिक चिंतन
किसान और किसानी : अनिल चमडिय़ा
शिक्षक की डायरी : योगेन्द्र
माइक्रोस्कोप : राजेन्द्र कुमार कनौजिया
पृथ्वीपुत्र : ललित अनुवाद : महाप्रकाश
मोड़ पर : धूमकेतु अनुवाद : स्वर्णा
मोलारूज़ : पियैर ला मूर अनुवाद : सुनीता जैन
धूँधली यादें और सिसकते ज़ख्म : निसार अहमद
जगधर की प्रेम कथा : हरिओम
अंतिका, मैथिली त्रैमासिक,सम्पादक- अनलकांत
अंतिका प्रकाशन,सी-56/यूजीएफ-4,शालीमारगार्डन,एकसटेंशन-II,गाजियाबाद-201005 (उ.प्र.),फोन : 0120-6475212,मोबाइल नं.9868380797,9891245023,
आजीवन सदस्यता शुल्क भा.रु.2100/-चेक/ ड्राफ्ट द्वारा “अंतिका प्रकाशन” क नाम सँ पठाऊ। दिल्लीक बाहरक चेक मे भा.रु. 30/- अतिरिक्त जोड़ू।
बया, हिन्दी छमाही पत्रिका,सम्पादक- गौरीनाथ
संपर्क- अंतिका प्रकाशन,सी-56/यूजीएफ-4,शालीमारगार्डन,एकसटेंशन-II,गाजियाबाद-201005 (उ.प्र.),फोन : 0120-6475212,मोबाइल नं.9868380797,9891245023,
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पुस्तक मंगवाने के लिए मनीआर्डर/ चेक/ ड्राफ्ट अंतिका प्रकाशन के नाम से भेजें। दिल्ली से बाहर के एट पार बैंकिंग (at par banking) चेक के अलावा अन्य चेक एक हजार से कम का न भेजें। रु.200/- से ज्यादा की पुस्तकों पर डाक खर्च हमारा वहन करेंगे। रु.300/- से रु.500/- तक की पुस्तकों पर 10% की छूट, रु.500/- से ऊपर रु.1000/- तक 15%और उससे ज्यादा की किताबों पर 20%की छूट व्यक्तिगत खरीद पर दी जाएगी ।
एक साथ हिन्दी, मैथिली में सक्रिय आपका प्रकाशन
अंतिका प्रकाशन
सी-56/यूजीएफ-4, शालीमार गार्डन,एकसटेंशन-II
गाजियाबाद-201005 (उ.प्र.)
फोन : 0120-6475212
मोबाइल नं.9868380797,
ई-मेल: antika1999@yahoo.co.in,
श्रुति प्रकाशनसँ
१.पंचदेवोपासना-भूमि मिथिला- मौन
२.मैथिली भाषा-साहित्य (२०म शताब्दी)- प्रेमशंकर सिंह
३.गुंजन जीक राधा (गद्य-पद्य-ब्रजबुली मिश्रित)- गंगेश गुंजन
४.बनैत-बिगड़ैत (कथा-गल्प संग्रह)-सुभाषचन्द्र यादव
५.कुरुक्षेत्रम्–अन्तर्मनक, खण्ड-१ आ २ (लेखकक छिड़िआयल पद्य, उपन्यास, गल्प-कथा, नाटक-एकाङ्की, बालानां कृते, महाकाव्य, शोध-निबन्ध आदिक समग्र संकलन)- गजेन्द्र ठाकुर
६.विलम्बित कइक युगमे निबद्ध (पद्य-संग्रह)- पंकज पराशर
७.हम पुछैत छी (पद्य-संग्रह)- विनीत उत्पल
८. नो एण्ट्री: मा प्रविश- डॉ. उदय नारायण सिंह “नचिकेता” प्रिंट रूप हार्डबाउन्ड (ISBN NO.978-81-907729-0-7 मूल्य रु.१२५/- यू.एस. डॉलर ४०) आ पेपरबैक (ISBN No.978-81-907729-1-4 मूल्य रु. ७५/- यूएस.डॉलर २५/-)
९/१०/११ 'विदेह' द्वारा कएल गेल शोधक आधार पर१.मैथिली-अंग्रेजी शब्द कोश २.अंग्रेजी-मैथिली शब्द कोश श्रुति पब्लिकेशन द्वारा प्रिन्ट फॉर्ममे प्रकाशित करबाक आग्रह स्वीकार कए लेल गेल अछि। संप्रति मैथिली-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश-खण्ड-I-XVI. लेखक-गजेन्द्र ठाकुर, नागेन्द्र कुमार झा एवं पञ्जीकार विद्यानन्द झा, दाम- रु.५००/- प्रति खण्ड । Combined ISBN No.978-81-907729-2-1 ३.पञ्जी-प्रबन्ध (डिजिटल इमेजिंग आ मिथिलाक्षरसँ देवनागरी लिप्यांतरण)- संकलन-सम्पादन-लिप्यांतरण गजेन्द्र ठाकुर , नागेन्द्र कुमार झा एवं पञ्जीकार विद्यानन्द झा द्वारा ।
१२.विभारानीक दू टा नाटक: "भाग रौ" आ "बलचन्दा"
१३. विदेह:सदेह:१: देवनागरी आ मिथिला़क्षर संकस्करण:Tirhuta : 244 pages (A4 big magazine size)विदेह: सदेह: 1:तिरहुता : मूल्य भा.रु.200/-
Devanagari 244 pages (A4 big magazine size)विदेह: सदेह: 1: : देवनागरी : मूल्य भा. रु.100/-
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२. संदेश
१.श्री गोविन्द झा- विदेहकेँ तरंगजालपर उतारि विश्वभरिमे मातृभाषा मैथिलीक लहरि जगाओल, खेद जे अपनेक एहि महाभियानमे हम एखन धरि संग नहि दए सकलहुँ। सुनैत छी अपनेकेँ सुझाओ आ रचनात्मक आलोचना प्रिय लगैत अछि तेँ किछु लिखक मोन भेल। हमर सहायता आ सहयोग अपनेकेँ सदा उपलब्ध रहत।
२.श्री रमानन्द रेणु- मैथिलीमे ई-पत्रिका पाक्षिक रूपेँ चला कऽ जे अपन मातृभाषाक प्रचार कऽ रहल छी, से धन्यवाद । आगाँ अपनेक समस्त मैथिलीक कार्यक हेतु हम हृदयसँ शुभकामना दऽ रहल छी।
३.श्री विद्यानाथ झा "विदित"- संचार आ प्रौद्योगिकीक एहि प्रतिस्पर्धी ग्लोबल युगमे अपन महिमामय "विदेह"केँ अपना देहमे प्रकट देखि जतबा प्रसन्नता आ संतोष भेल, तकरा कोनो उपलब्ध "मीटर"सँ नहि नापल जा सकैछ? ..एकर ऐतिहासिक मूल्यांकन आ सांस्कृतिक प्रतिफलन एहि शताब्दीक अंत धरि लोकक नजरिमे आश्चर्यजनक रूपसँ प्रकट हैत।
४. प्रो. उदय नारायण सिंह "नचिकेता"- जे काज अहाँ कए रहल छी तकर चरचा एक दिन मैथिली भाषाक इतिहासमे होएत। आनन्द भए रहल अछि, ई जानि कए जे एतेक गोट मैथिल "विदेह" ई जर्नलकेँ पढ़ि रहल छथि।
५. डॉ. गंगेश गुंजन- एहि विदेह-कर्ममे लागि रहल अहाँक सम्वेदनशील मन, मैथिलीक प्रति समर्पित मेहनतिक अमृत रंग, इतिहास मे एक टा विशिष्ट फराक अध्याय आरंभ करत, हमरा विश्वास अछि। अशेष शुभकामना आ बधाइक सङ्ग, सस्नेह|
६. श्री रामाश्रय झा "रामरंग"(आब स्वर्गीय)- "अपना" मिथिलासँ संबंधित...विषय वस्तुसँ अवगत भेलहुँ।...शेष सभ कुशल अछि।
७. श्री ब्रजेन्द्र त्रिपाठी- साहित्य अकादमी- इंटरनेट पर प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक पत्रिका "विदेह" केर लेल बधाई आ शुभकामना स्वीकार करू।
८. श्री प्रफुल्लकुमार सिंह "मौन"- प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक पत्रिका "विदेह" क प्रकाशनक समाचार जानि कनेक चकित मुदा बेसी आह्लादित भेलहुँ। कालचक्रकेँ पकड़ि जाहि दूरदृष्टिक परिचय देलहुँ, ओहि लेल हमर मंगलकामना।
९.डॉ. शिवप्रसाद यादव- ई जानि अपार हर्ष भए रहल अछि, जे नव सूचना-क्रान्तिक क्षेत्रमे मैथिली पत्रकारिताकेँ प्रवेश दिअएबाक साहसिक कदम उठाओल अछि। पत्रकारितामे एहि प्रकारक नव प्रयोगक हम स्वागत करैत छी, संगहि "विदेह"क सफलताक शुभकामना।
१०. श्री आद्याचरण झा- कोनो पत्र-पत्रिकाक प्रकाशन- ताहूमे मैथिली पत्रिकाक प्रकाशनमे के कतेक सहयोग करताह- ई तऽ भविष्य कहत। ई हमर ८८ वर्षमे ७५ वर्षक अनुभव रहल। एतेक पैघ महान यज्ञमे हमर श्रद्धापूर्ण आहुति प्राप्त होयत- यावत ठीक-ठाक छी/ रहब।
११. श्री विजय ठाकुर- मिशिगन विश्वविद्यालय- "विदेह" पत्रिकाक अंक देखलहुँ, सम्पूर्ण टीम बधाईक पात्र अछि। पत्रिकाक मंगल भविष्य हेतु हमर शुभकामना स्वीकार कएल जाओ।
१२. श्री सुभाषचन्द्र यादव- ई-पत्रिका "विदेह" क बारेमे जानि प्रसन्नता भेल। ’विदेह’ निरन्तर पल्लवित-पुष्पित हो आ चतुर्दिक अपन सुगंध पसारय से कामना अछि।
१३. श्री मैथिलीपुत्र प्रदीप- ई-पत्रिका "विदेह" केर सफलताक भगवतीसँ कामना। हमर पूर्ण सहयोग रहत।
१४. डॉ. श्री भीमनाथ झा- "विदेह" इन्टरनेट पर अछि तेँ "विदेह" नाम उचित आर कतेक रूपेँ एकर विवरण भए सकैत अछि। आइ-काल्हि मोनमे उद्वेग रहैत अछि, मुदा शीघ्र पूर्ण सहयोग देब।
१५. श्री रामभरोस कापड़ि "भ्रमर"- जनकपुरधाम- "विदेह" ऑनलाइन देखि रहल छी। मैथिलीकेँ अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय जगतमे पहुँचेलहुँ तकरा लेल हार्दिक बधाई। मिथिला रत्न सभक संकलन अपूर्व। नेपालोक सहयोग भेटत, से विश्वास करी।
१६. श्री राजनन्दन लालदास- "विदेह" ई-पत्रिकाक माध्यमसँ बड़ नीक काज कए रहल छी, नातिक एहिठाम देखलहुँ। एकर वार्षिक अंक जखन प्रिट निकालब तँ हमरा पठायब। कलकत्तामे बहुत गोटेकेँ हम साइटक पता लिखाए देने छियन्हि। मोन तँ होइत अछि जे दिल्ली आबि कए आशीर्वाद दैतहुँ, मुदा उमर आब बेशी भए गेल। शुभकामना देश-विदेशक मैथिलकेँ जोड़बाक लेल।
१७. डॉ. प्रेमशंकर सिंह- अहाँ मैथिलीमे इंटरनेटपर पहिल पत्रिका "विदेह" प्रकाशित कए अपन अद्भुत मातृभाषानुरागक परिचय देल अछि, अहाँक निःस्वार्थ मातृभाषानुरागसँ प्रेरित छी, एकर निमित्त जे हमर सेवाक प्रयोजन हो, तँ सूचित करी। इंटरनेटपर आद्योपांत पत्रिका देखल, मन प्रफुल्लित भऽ गेल।
मैथिली साहित्य आन्दोलन
(c)२००८-०९. सर्वाधिकार लेखकाधीन आ जतय लेखकक नाम नहि अछि ततय संपादकाधीन। विदेह (पाक्षिक) संपादक- गजेन्द्र ठाकुर। सहायक सम्पादक: श्रीमती रश्मि रेखा सिन्हा। एतय प्रकाशित रचना सभक कॉपीराइट लेखक लोकनिक लगमे रहतन्हि, मात्र एकर प्रथम प्रकाशनक/ आर्काइवक/ अंग्रेजी-संस्कृत अनुवादक ई-प्रकाशन/ आर्काइवक अधिकार एहि ई पत्रिकाकेँ छैक। रचनाकार अपन मौलिक आ अप्रकाशित रचना (जकर मौलिकताक संपूर्ण उत्तरदायित्व लेखक गणक मध्य छन्हि) ggajendra@yahoo.co.in आकि ggajendra@videha.com केँ मेल अटैचमेण्टक रूपमेँ .doc, .docx, .rtf वा .txt फॉर्मेटमे पठा सकैत छथि। रचनाक संग रचनाकार अपन संक्षिप्त परिचय आ अपन स्कैन कएल गेल फोटो पठेताह, से आशा करैत छी। रचनाक अंतमे टाइप रहय, जे ई रचना मौलिक अछि, आ पहिल प्रकाशनक हेतु विदेह (पाक्षिक) ई पत्रिकाकेँ देल जा रहल अछि। मेल प्राप्त होयबाक बाद यथासंभव शीघ्र ( सात दिनक भीतर) एकर प्रकाशनक अंकक सूचना देल जायत। एहि ई पत्रिकाकेँ श्रीमति लक्ष्मी ठाकुर द्वारा मासक 1 आ 15 तिथिकेँ ई प्रकाशित कएल जाइत अछि।
(c) 2008-09 सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित। विदेहमे प्रकाशित सभटा रचना आ आर्काइवक सर्वाधिकार रचनाकार आ' संग्रहकर्त्ताक लगमे छन्हि। रचनाक अनुवाद आ पुनः प्रकाशन किंवा आर्काइवक उपयोगक अधिकार किनबाक हेतु ggajendra@videha.com पर संपर्क करू। एहि साइटकेँ प्रीति झा ठाकुर, मधूलिका चौधरी आ रश्मि प्रिया द्वारा डिजाइन कएल गेल। सिद्धिरस्तु
"भालसरिक गाछ" Post edited multiple times to incorporate all Yahoo Geocities "भालसरिक गाछ" materials from 2000 onwards as...
जेठक दुपहरि बारहो कलासँ उगिलि उगिलि भीषण ज्वाला आकाश चढ़ल दिनकर त्रिभुवन डाहथि जरि जरि पछबा प्रचण्ड बिरड़ो उदण्ड सन सन सन सन...
खंजनि चलली बगढड़ाक चालि, अपनो चालि बिसरली अपन वस्तुलक परित्याकग क’ आनक अनुकरण कयलापर अपनो व्यिवहार बिसरि गेलापर व्यंपग्यय। खइनी अछि दुइ मो...
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"विदेह" प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका http://www.videha.co.in/:-
सम्पादक/ लेखककेँ अपन रचनात्मक सुझाव आ टीका-टिप्पणीसँ अवगत कराऊ, जेना:-
1. रचना/ प्रस्तुतिमे की तथ्यगत कमी अछि:- (स्पष्ट करैत लिखू)|
2. रचना/ प्रस्तुतिमे की कोनो सम्पादकीय परिमार्जन आवश्यक अछि: (सङ्केत दिअ)|
3. रचना/ प्रस्तुतिमे की कोनो भाषागत, तकनीकी वा टंकन सम्बन्धी अस्पष्टता अछि: (निर्दिष्ट करू कतए-कतए आ कोन पाँतीमे वा कोन ठाम)|
4. रचना/ प्रस्तुतिमे की कोनो आर त्रुटि भेटल ।
5. रचना/ प्रस्तुतिपर अहाँक कोनो आर सुझाव ।
6. रचना/ प्रस्तुतिक उज्जवल पक्ष/ विशेषता|
7. रचना प्रस्तुतिक शास्त्रीय समीक्षा।
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"विदेह" मानुषिमिह संस्कृताम् :- मैथिली साहित्य आन्दोलनकेँ आगाँ बढ़ाऊ।- सम्पादक। http://www.videha.co.in/
पूर्वपीठिका : इंटरनेटपर मैथिलीक प्रारम्भ हम कएने रही 2000 ई. मे अपन भेल एक्सीडेंट केर बाद, याहू जियोसिटीजपर 2000-2001 मे ढेर रास साइट मैथिलीमे बनेलहुँ, मुदा ओ सभ फ्री साइट छल से किछु दिनमे अपने डिलीट भऽ जाइत छल। ५ जुलाई २००४ केँ बनाओल “भालसरिक गाछ” जे http://gajendrathakur.blogspot.com/ पर एखनो उपलब्ध अछि, मैथिलीक इंटरनेटपर प्रथम उपस्थितिक रूपमे अखनो विद्यमान अछि। फेर आएल “विदेह” प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई-पत्रिका http://www.videha.co.in/पर। “विदेह” देश-विदेशक मैथिलीभाषीक बीच विभिन्न कारणसँ लोकप्रिय भेल। “विदेह” मैथिलक लेल मैथिली साहित्यक नवीन आन्दोलनक प्रारम्भ कएने अछि। प्रिंट फॉर्ममे, ऑडियो-विजुअल आ सूचनाक सभटा नवीनतम तकनीक द्वारा साहित्यक आदान-प्रदानक लेखकसँ पाठक धरि करबामे हमरा सभ जुटल छी। नीक साहित्यकेँ सेहो सभ फॉरमपर प्रचार चाही, लोकसँ आ माटिसँ स्नेह चाही। “विदेह” एहि कुप्रचारकेँ तोड़ि देलक, जे मैथिलीमे लेखक आ पाठक एके छथि। कथा, महाकाव्य,नाटक, एकाङ्की आ उपन्यासक संग, कला-चित्रकला, संगीत, पाबनि-तिहार, मिथिलाक-तीर्थ,मिथिला-रत्न, मिथिलाक-खोज आ सामाजिक-आर्थिक-राजनैतिक समस्यापर सारगर्भित मनन। “विदेह” मे संस्कृत आ इंग्लिश कॉलम सेहो देल गेल, कारण ई ई-पत्रिका मैथिलक लेल अछि, मैथिली शिक्षाक प्रारम्भ कएल गेल संस्कृत शिक्षाक संग। रचना लेखन आ शोध-प्रबंधक संग पञ्जी आ मैथिली-इंग्लिश कोषक डेटाबेस देखिते-देखिते ठाढ़ भए गेल। इंटरनेट पर ई-प्रकाशित करबाक उद्देश्य छल एकटा एहन फॉरम केर स्थापना जाहिमे लेखक आ पाठकक बीच एकटा एहन माध्यम होए जे कतहुसँ चौबीसो घंटा आ सातो दिन उपलब्ध होअए। जाहिमे प्रकाशनक नियमितता होअए आ जाहिसँ वितरण केर समस्या आ भौगोलिक दूरीक अंत भऽ जाय। फेर सूचना-प्रौद्योगिकीक क्षेत्रमे क्रांतिक फलस्वरूप एकटा नव पाठक आ लेखक वर्गक हेतु, पुरान पाठक आ लेखकक संग, फॉरम प्रदान कएनाइ सेहो एकर उद्देश्य छ्ल। एहि हेतु दू टा काज भेल। नव अंकक संग पुरान अंक सेहो देल जा रहल अछि। विदेहक सभटा पुरान अंक pdf स्वरूपमे देवनागरी, मिथिलाक्षर आ ब्रेल, तीनू लिपिमे, डाउनलोड लेल उपलब्ध अछि आ जतए इंटरनेटक स्पीड कम छैक वा इंटरनेट महग छैक ओतहु ग्राहक बड्ड कम समयमे ‘विदेह’ केर पुरान अंकक फाइल डाउनलोड कए अपन कंप्युटरमे सुरक्षित राखि सकैत छथि आ अपना सुविधानुसारे एकरा पढ़ि सकैत छथि।
मुदा ई तँ मात्र प्रारम्भ अछि।
अपन टीका-टिप्पणी एतए पोस्ट करू वा अपन सुझाव ई-पत्र द्वारा editorial.staff.videha@gmail.com पर पठाऊ।